Siempre me han encantado los sombreros , no solo ayudan para cuando no tienes ganas de peinarte sino que le da un toque muy chic a tu outfit , grandes , pequeños , de distintas formas , colores.. un buen sombrero y unas gafas siempre te sacaran de apuros .. lo mas importante sentirse comodo y muy cool ..!! 
Aqui estan algunos de mis favoritos cada quien a su estilo …yo opto por combinarlos con gafas diferentes y no siempre con el mismo outfit , y tu cual es tu favorito? 
“He wears his faith but as the fashion of his hat..” -Shakespeare


I’ve always been a fan of wearing hats, not only help you for those bad hair days but also gives a very chic look to your outfit, big, small, in different shapes, colors .. a good hat and  a pair of glasses is the perfect complement to a good style ..
Here some of my favorites in their own particular way …I choose to combine it with different glasses and outfits..and you, what’s your favorite?“He wears his faith but as the fashion of his hat..” -Shakespeare

Have a great week !!
Much Love