Recently obsessed with burgundy so in love with this color and specially this suit, and The best part about styling it up is the accessories but this time i went with pink touches wearing these awesome pair of wingtips from , a buttoned up pink dress shirt a pair rounded sunglasses this was my outfit on day 3 at New York Fashion Week, Everybody loved it i think i’ll be rocking lots of burgundy clothes this fall…
Have a great day !! 🙂
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Recientemente obsesionado con el color burgundy y este traje que lleve al 3er dia de NYFW, esta vez lo combiné con toques de color rosa como este par de wingtips de la marca, una camisa abotonada de color rosa y mis gafas de sol favoritas redondas porsupuesto, todos estaban encantados con este traje, creo que utilizaré mucho este color para otoño e invierno…
Que tengas un buen dia !! 🙂
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I am wearing: Suit Express , Shirt Michael Kors , Oxfords Pedro shoes , Sunglasses Ray Ban , Watch Triwa