Most of the people knows that one of my biggest fears are heights. Like flying, climbing a mountain,trees, balconies, tall buildings etc …
Over the years I have tried to overcome it but still there you know, i collected  a
compilation of photos it causes me vertigo by simply looking at them … Are you ready for the adventure?
Enjoy  :O …..
La mayoria de los que me conocen saben que uno de mis mayores miedos son las alturas , volar, subirme a una montaña ,arboles, balcones ,edificios altos etc… 
Al paso de los años he tratado de superarlo pero aun no por completo , aqui recopile unas 
fotos que con tan solo mirarlas me causa vertigo …Estan listos para la aventura ? 
Disfrutenlas :O …..




Acrophobia sufferers can experience a panic attack in a high place and become
too agitated to get themselves down safely .Between 2 and 5 % of the general
population suffer from acrophobia  as twice as many woman affected as man 
Se le llama acrofobia y las personas que lo sufren experimentan ataques de pánico en 
lugares altos , entre el 2 y el 5% de la población sufre de acrofobia tanto hombres como
mujeres..Do what you fear and fear disappears..”
David Joseph Schwartz 

Much Love